Thursday, May 24, 2012

InkWell Showcase

Hello fellow writers,

I would like this blog to be a place to showcase our projects in the days that follow, so please feel free to email me anything you would like posted and I would be delighted to put it up, homework or no. :)
This being said; you may remember my assignment from our first meeting, if not, the link is below. I would like to challenge you to complete this mini project, partly because I had great fun writing mine, but also because I think it is a good exorcise for your creative writing muscles.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you all through your writing.


Our assignment:

My finished product:

An Angel Lost
Gabriel White
May 24, 2012

He saw her first whilst walking through the woods behind his house. Her hair was fire, and her form flitted between the autumn trees with transcendent grace. Her radiant eyes haunted his dreams ever after. Soon, sleepless nights followed weary days as he endlessly sought her amongst the falling leaves and the shifting snow. As the years passed, he became a skeleton, then a shadow. In final fleeting thoughts he realized his folly. 
His angel was a sunbeam.

1 comment:

  1. Gabriel, excited to have this up. I'm not a short story teller so this one will be difficult. I like your story though. I will probably submit some of my blog posts or maybe a prose piece. I've got one I think would be good. Thanks for heading this up. Appreciate all your work.
